Asset Finance

Finance Solutions to Help You Acquire Essential Assets

Flexible asset finance solutions designed to help businesses invest in essential assets while maintaining cash flow. Whether expanding operations or upgrading equipment, our funding options provide the support needed for long-term success.

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Flexible Asset Finance Options

We understand that different industries require different funding approaches which is why we offer a variety of asset finance solutions tailored to your specific requirements

Equipment Finance

Secure funding for essential business tools and operational equipment.

Technology Finance

Spread the cost of IT infrastructure, software and business-critical technology.

Machine & Engineering

Finance for industrial machinery and precision engineering equipment.


Restructure existing finance agreements to improve cash flow, reduce costs or unlock capital for future investment.

Why Choose Velocity Asset Finance

Fast & Flexible Funding

Receive a quick response on your finance application

Bespoke Financial Solutions

Tailored options that align with your unique needs

Expert Guidance

A dedicated team to support you throughout the funding journey

Seamless Digital Experience

Integrated processes for hassle-free applications and approvals

Who Can Benefit from Asset Finance

Our asset finance solutions are ideal for businesses in:

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Manufacturing & Logistics

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Construction & Infrastructure

<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M5.99805 2C8.68733 2 11.0224 3.51653 12.1947 5.74104C13.372 4.08252 15.3086 3 17.498 3H20.998V5.5C20.998 9.08985 18.0879 12 14.498 12H12.998V13H17.998V20C17.998 21.1046 17.1026 22 15.998 22H7.99805C6.89348 22 5.99805 21.1046 5.99805 20V13H10.998V11H8.99805C5.13205 11 1.99805 7.86599 1.99805 4V2H5.99805ZM15.998 15H7.99805V20H15.998V15ZM18.998 5H17.498C15.0128 5 12.998 7.01472 12.998 9.5V10H14.498C16.9833 10 18.998 7.98528 18.998 5.5V5ZM5.99805 4H3.99805C3.99805 6.76142 6.23662 9 8.99805 9H10.998C10.998 6.23858 8.75947 4 5.99805 4Z"></path></svg>

Agriculture & Farming

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Healthcare & Medical Services

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Professional Services

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Application Process


Initial Discovery

We take the time to understand your needs and explore the best finance options tailored to your goals.


Application Stage

Submit your application with the necessary details and our team will guide you through the process with efficiency and transparency.


Receive Funds

Once approved your funds are released promptly so you can move forward with confidence.

Start Your Asset Finance Journey Today

Secure the essential assets you need without financial strain. Speak with our team today to explore finance options that fit your industry and goals.