Vehicle Finance

Drive Forward with Flexible Vehicle Finance

Whether you need a personal car, a business fleet or commercial vehicles, our vehicle finance solutions offer competitive rates and flexible repayment options to suit your needs.

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Our Vehicle Finance Solutions

We understand that every client has different needs which is why we offer a variety of vehicle finance solutions to ensure you get the right deal

Hire Purchase

Own your vehicle with structured monthly repayments.

Lease Purchase

Competitive monthly payments with a final balloon payment option.

Personal Contract Purchase

Flexible finance for personal vehicles with end-of-term choices.


Restructure existing finance agreements to improve cash flow, reduce costs or unlock capital for future investment.

Why Choose Velocity Asset Finance

Fast & Flexible Funding

Receive a quick response on your finance application

Bespoke Financial Solutions

Tailored options that align with your unique needs

Expert Guidance

A dedicated team to support you throughout the funding journey

Seamless Digital Experience

Integrated processes for hassle-free applications and approvals

Who Can Benefit from Vehicle Finance

Our vehicle finance solutions are suitable for a wide range of individuals and businesses including:

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Self-employed professionals

<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M21 13.2422V20H22V22H2V20H3V13.2422C1.79401 12.435 1 11.0602 1 9.5C1 8.67286 1.22443 7.87621 1.63322 7.19746L4.3453 2.5C4.52393 2.1906 4.85406 2 5.21132 2H18.7887C19.1459 2 19.4761 2.1906 19.6547 2.5L22.3575 7.18172C22.7756 7.87621 23 8.67286 23 9.5C23 11.0602 22.206 12.435 21 13.2422ZM19 13.9725C18.8358 13.9907 18.669 14 18.5 14C17.2409 14 16.0789 13.478 15.25 12.6132C14.4211 13.478 13.2591 14 12 14C10.7409 14 9.5789 13.478 8.75 12.6132C7.9211 13.478 6.75911 14 5.5 14C5.331 14 5.16417 13.9907 5 13.9725V20H19V13.9725ZM5.78865 4L3.35598 8.21321C3.12409 8.59843 3 9.0389 3 9.5C3 10.8807 4.11929 12 5.5 12C6.53096 12 7.44467 11.3703 7.82179 10.4295C8.1574 9.59223 9.3426 9.59223 9.67821 10.4295C10.0553 11.3703 10.969 12 12 12C13.031 12 13.9447 11.3703 14.3218 10.4295C14.6574 9.59223 15.8426 9.59223 16.1782 10.4295C16.5553 11.3703 17.469 12 18.5 12C19.8807 12 21 10.8807 21 9.5C21 9.0389 20.8759 8.59843 20.6347 8.19746L18.2113 4H5.78865Z"></path></svg>

SMEs looking to expand their fleet

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Logistics & transportation companies

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Taxi and private hire drivers

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Personal car buyers looking for finance options

Application Process


Initial Discovery

We take the time to understand your needs and explore the best finance options tailored to your goals.


Application Stage

Submit your application with the necessary details and our team will guide you through the process with efficiency and transparency.


Receive Funds

Once approved your funds are released promptly so you can move forward with confidence.

Get Started Today

Whether you need a personal vehicle or a fleet for your business we are here to help. Contact us today to find the perfect vehicle finance solution and get on the road without the financial burden.